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精神病院12天纪录片 豆瓣6.6 超清


  • 主演: 未知
  • 导演: 雷蒙·德帕东 
  • 分类: 纪录片
  • 地区: 法国 
  • 年份: 2017 
  • 更新: 2021-12-31
  • 短评: Every year in France, 92,000 people are placed under psychiatric care without their consent. By law,


2017年纪录片电影《精神病院12天纪录片》讲述Every year in France, 92,000 people are placed under psychiatric care without their consent. By law, the hospital has 12 days to bring each patient before a judge. Based on medical records and a doctor’s recommendations, a crucial decision has to be made – will the patient stay or leave? 12 DAYS after which lives can change forever.由等主演。

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