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地平线:认识癌症 1211播放 HD


  • 主演: Hannah Fry 
  • 导演: Hannah Fry 
  • 分类: 纪录片
  • 地区: 英国 
  • 年份: 2022 
  • 更新: 2022-08-27
  • 短评: Hannah Fry, a professor of maths, is used to investigating the world around her through numbers. Whe



Hannah Fry, a professor of maths, is used to investigating the world around her through numbers. When she's diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 36, she starts to interrogate the way we diagnose and treat cancer by digging into the statistics to ask whether we are making the right choices in how we treat this disease. Are we sometimes too quick to screen and treat cance...

由Hannah Fry等主演。

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